Source code for idpconfgen.libs.libstructure

Store internal protein structure representation.

    The main API that represents a protein structure in IDPConfGen.
import traceback
import warnings
from collections import defaultdict
from functools import reduce

import numpy as np

from idpconfgen import log
from idpconfgen.core.definitions import aa3to1, blocked_ids, pdb_ligand_codes
from idpconfgen.core.definitions import residue_elements as _allowed_elements
from idpconfgen.core.exceptions import (
from idpconfgen.libs import libpdb
from idpconfgen.libs.libcif import CIFParser, is_cif
from idpconfgen.libs.libparse import group_runs, sample_case, type2string
from idpconfgen.libs.libpdb import RE_ENDMDL, RE_MODEL, delete_insertions
from idpconfgen.logger import S

[docs]class Structure: """ Hold structural data from PDB/mmCIF files. Run the ``.build()`` method to read the structure. Cases for PDB Files: * If there are several MODELS only the first model is considered. Parameters ---------- data : str, bytes, Path Raw structural data from PDB/mmCIF formatted files. If `data` is a path to a file it *must* be a `pathlib.Path` object. If string or bytes, it must be the raw content of the input file. Examples -------- Opens a PDB file, selects only chain 'A' and saves selection to a file. >>> s = Structure(Path('1ABC.pdb')) >>> >>> s.add_filter_chain('A') >>> s.write_PDB('out.pdb') Opens a mmCIF file, selects only residues above 50 and saves selection to a file. >>> s = Structure(Path('1ABC.cif')) >>> >>> s.add_filter(lambda x: int(x[col_resSeq]) > 50) >>> s.write_PDB('out.pdb') >>> with open('1ABC.pdb', 'r') as fin: >>> lines = >>> s = Structure(lines) >>> """ __slots__ = [ '_data_array', '_datastr', '_filters', '_structure_parser', 'kwargs', ] def __init__(self, data, **kwargs): datastr = get_datastr(data) self._structure_parser = detect_structure_type(datastr) self._datastr = datastr self.kwargs = kwargs self.clear_filters() assert isinstance(self.filters, list) def __len__(self): return self.data_array.shape[0]
[docs] def build(self): """ Read structure raw data in :attr:`rawdata`. After `.build()`, filters and data can be accessed. """ self._data_array = self._structure_parser(self._datastr, **self.kwargs) del self._datastr
[docs] def clear_filters(self): """Clear/Deletes registered filters.""" self._filters = []
@property def data_array(self): """Contain structure data in the form of a Numpy array.""" try: return self._data_array except AttributeError as err: errmsg = ( 'Please `.build()` the Structure before attempting to access' 'its data' ) raise NotBuiltError(errmsg=errmsg) from err @property def filters(self): """Filter functions registered ordered by registry record.""" return self._filters @property def filtered_atoms(self): """ Filter data array by the selected filters. Returns ------- list The data in PDB format after filtering. """ apply_filter = _APPLY_FILTER return np.array(list(reduce( apply_filter, self.filters, self.data_array, ))) @property def chain_set(self): """All chain IDs present in the raw dataset.""" # noqa: D401 return set(self.data_array[:, col_chainID]) @property def coords(self): """ Coordinates of the filtered atoms. As float. """ return self.filtered_atoms[:, cols_coords].astype(np.float32) @coords.setter def coords(self, coords): self.data_array[:, cols_coords] = \ np.round(coords, decimals=3).astype('<U8') @property def consecutive_residues(self): """Consecutive residue groups from filtered atoms.""" # the structure.consecutive_residues # this will ignore the iCode # please use pdb-tool pdb_delinsertions before this step # PDBs downloaded with IDPConfGen already correct for these # see libs.libparse.delete_insertions return group_runs(self.residues) @property def fasta(self): """ FASTA sequence of the :attr:`filtered_atoms` lines. HETATM residues with non-canonical codes are represented as X. """ c, rs, rn = col_chainID, col_resSeq, col_resName chains = defaultdict(dict) for row in self.filtered_atoms: chains[row[c]].setdefault(row[rs], aa3to1.get(row[rn], 'X')) return { chain: ''.join(residues.values()) for chain, residues in chains.items() } @property def filtered_residues(self): """Filter residues according to :attr:`filters`.""" FA = self.filtered_atoms return [int(i) for i in dict.fromkeys(FA[:, col_resSeq])] @property def residues(self): """ Residues of the structure. Without filtering, without chain separation. """ return [int(i) for i in dict.fromkeys(self.data_array[:, col_resSeq])]
[docs] def pop_last_filter(self): """Pop last filter.""" self._filters.pop()
[docs] def add_filter(self, function): """Add a function as filter.""" self.filters.append(function)
[docs] def add_filter_record_name(self, record_name): """Add filter for record names.""" self.filters.append( lambda x: x[col_record].startswith(record_name) )
[docs] def add_filter_chain(self, chain): """Add filters for chain.""" self.filters.append(lambda x: x[col_chainID] == chain)
[docs] def add_filter_backbone(self, minimal=False): """Add filter to consider only backbone atoms.""" ib = is_backbone self.filters.append( lambda x: ib(x[col_name], x[col_element], minimal=minimal) )
[docs] def get_PDB(self, pdb_filters=None, renumber=True): """ Convert Structure to PDB format. Considers only filtered lines. Returns ------- generator """ def _(i, f): return f(i) fs = self.filtered_atoms # renumber atoms if renumber: try: fs[:, col_serial] = np.arange(1, fs.shape[0] + 1).astype('<U8') except IndexError as err: errmsg = ( 'Could not renumber atoms, most likely, because ' 'there are no lines in selection.' ) err2 = EmptyFilterError(errmsg) raise err2 from err pdb_filters = pdb_filters or [] lines = list(reduce(_, pdb_filters, structure_to_pdb(fs))) return lines
[docs] def get_sorted_minimal_backbone_coords(self, filtered=False): """ Generate a copy of the backbone coords sorted. Sorting according N, CA, C. This method was created because some PDBs may not have the backbone atoms sorted properly. Parameters ---------- filtered : bool, optional Whether consider current filters or raw data. """ atoms = self.filtered_atoms if filtered else self.data_array coords = atoms[:, cols_coords] N_coords = coords[atoms[:, col_name] == 'N'] CA_coords = coords[atoms[:, col_name] == 'CA'] C_coords = coords[atoms[:, col_name] == 'C'] N_num = N_coords.shape[0] CA_num = CA_coords.shape[0] C_num = C_coords.shape[0] num_backbone_atoms = sum([N_num, CA_num, C_num]) assert num_backbone_atoms / 3 == N_num minimal_backbone = np.zeros((num_backbone_atoms, 3), dtype=np.float32) minimal_backbone[0:-2:3] = N_coords minimal_backbone[1:-1:3] = CA_coords minimal_backbone[2::3] = C_coords return minimal_backbone
[docs] def write_PDB(self, filename, **kwargs): """Write Structure to PDB file.""" lines = self.get_PDB(**kwargs) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings('error') try: write_PDB(lines, filename) except UserWarning: raise EmptyFilterError(filename)
[docs]def parse_pdb_to_array(datastr, which='both'): """ Transform PDB data into an array. Parameters ---------- datastr : str String representing the PDB format v3 file. which : str Which lines to consider ['ATOM', 'HETATM', 'both']. Defaults to `'both'`, considers both 'ATOM' and 'HETATM'. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray of (N, len(`libpdb.atom_slicers`)) Where N are the number of ATOM and/or HETATM lines, and axis=1 the number of fields in ATOM/HETATM lines according to the PDB format v3. """ # require assert isinstance(datastr, str), \ f'`datastr` is not str: {type(datastr)} instead' model_idx = endmdl_idx = if bool(model_idx) + bool(endmdl_idx) == 1: # only one is True raise PDBFormatError('Found MODEL and not ENDMDL, or vice-versa') if model_idx and endmdl_idx: start = model_idx.span()[1] end = endmdl_idx.span()[0] - 1 lines = datastr[start: end].split('\n') else: lines = datastr.split('\n') record_lines = filter_record_lines(lines, which=which) data_array = gen_empty_structure_data_array(len(record_lines)) populate_structure_array_from_pdb(record_lines, data_array) return data_array
[docs]def parse_cif_to_array(datastr, **kwargs): """ Parse mmCIF protein data to array. Array is as given by :func:`gen_empty_structure_data_array`. """ cif = CIFParser(datastr, **kwargs) number_of_atoms = len(cif) data_array = gen_empty_structure_data_array(number_of_atoms) for ii in range(number_of_atoms): data_array[ii, :] = cif.get_line_elements_for_PDB(line=ii) return data_array
[docs]def gen_empty_structure_data_array(number_of_atoms): """ Generate an array data structure to contain structure data. Parameters ---------- number_of_atoms : int The number of atoms in the structure. Determines the size of the axis 0 of the structure array. Returns ------- np.ndarray of (N, :attr:`libpdb.atom_slicers), dtype = '<U8' Where N is the ``number_of_atoms``. """ # require assert isinstance(number_of_atoms, int), \ f'`number_of_atoms` is not int, {type(number_of_atoms)} ' assert number_of_atoms > 0, \ f'or number is less than zero: {number_of_atoms}.' return np.empty( (number_of_atoms, len(libpdb.atom_slicers)), dtype='<U8', )
[docs]def generate_residue_labels(*residue_labels, fmt=None, delimiter=' - '): """ Generate residue labels column. Concatenate labels in `residue_labels` using `concatenate_residue_labels`. Parameters ---------- fmt : str, optional The string formatter by default we consider backbone atoms of a protein with less than 1000 residues. Defaults to `None`, uses '{:<8}', 8 or multiple of 8 according to length of residue_labels. """ if not fmt: # 11 because 8 + len(' - ') fmt = '{:<' + str(len(residue_labels) * (8 + len(delimiter))) + '}' concat = ( concatenate_residue_labels(label_tuple) for label_tuple in residue_labels ) return [fmt.format(delimiter.join(clabels)) for clabels in zip(*concat)]
[docs]def generate_backbone_pairs_labels(da): """ Generate backbone atom pairs labels. Used to create columns in report summaries. Parameters ---------- da : Structure.data_array - like Returns ------- Numpy Array of dtype str, shape (N,) Where N is the number of minimal backbone atoms. """ # masks from minimal backbone atoms N_mask = da[:, col_name] == 'N' CA_mask = da[:, col_name] == 'CA' C_mask = da[:, col_name] == 'C' # prepares labels column format # number of digit of the highest residue # 5 is 3 from 3-letter aa code and 2 from 'CA' label length max_len = len(str(np.sum(N_mask))) + 5 fmt_res = '{:<' + str(max_len) + '}' # Generate label pairs N_CA_labels = generate_residue_labels( da[:, cols_labels][N_mask], da[:, cols_labels][CA_mask], fmt=fmt_res, ) CA_C_labels = generate_residue_labels( da[:, cols_labels][CA_mask], da[:, cols_labels][C_mask], fmt=fmt_res, ) C_N_labels = generate_residue_labels( da[:, cols_labels][C_mask][:-1], da[:, cols_labels][N_mask][1:], fmt=fmt_res, ) # prepares the labels array # max_label_len to use the exact needed memory size _ = [N_CA_labels, CA_C_labels, C_N_labels] number_of_bb_atoms = sum(len(i) for i in _) max_label_len = max(len(i) for i in N_CA_labels) labels = np.zeros(number_of_bb_atoms, dtype=f'<U{max_label_len}') labels[0::3] = N_CA_labels labels[1::3] = CA_C_labels labels[2::3] = C_N_labels return labels
[docs]def concatenate_residue_labels(labels): """ Concatenate residue labels. This function is a generator. Parameters ---------- labels : numpy array of shape (N, M) Where N is the number of rows, and M the number of columns with the labels to be concatenated. """ empty_join = ''.join return (empty_join(res_label) for res_label in labels)
[docs]def populate_structure_array_from_pdb(record_lines, data_array): """ Populate structure array from PDB lines. Parameters ---------- record_lines : list-like The PDB record lines (ATOM or HETATM) to parse. data_array : np.ndarray The array to populate. Returns ------- None Populates array in place. """ AS = libpdb.atom_slicers for row, line in enumerate(record_lines): for column, slicer_item in enumerate(AS): data_array[row, column] = line[slicer_item].strip()
[docs]def filter_record_lines(lines, which='both'): """Filter lines to get record lines only.""" RH = record_line_headings try: return [line for line in lines if line.startswith(RH[which])] except KeyError as err: err2 = ValueError(f'`which` got an unexpected value \'{which}\'.') raise err2 from err
[docs]def get_datastr(data): """ Get data in string format. Can parse data from several formats: * Path, reads file content * bytes, converst to str * str, returns the input Returns ------- str That represents the data """ t2s = type2string data_type = type(data) try: datastr = t2s[data_type](data) except KeyError as err: err2 = NotImplementedError('Struture data not of proper type') raise err2 from err assert isinstance(datastr, str) return datastr
[docs]def detect_structure_type(datastr): """ Detect structure data parser. Uses ``structure_parsers``. Returns ------- parser That which can parse `datastr` to a :py::class:`Structure'. """ sp = structure_parsers for condition, parser in sp: if condition(datastr): return parser raise ParserNotFoundError
[docs]def write_PDB(lines, filename): """ Write Structure data format to PDB. Parameters ---------- lines : list or np.ndarray Lines contains PDB data as according to `parse_pdb_to_array`. filename : str or Path The name of the output PDB file. """ # use join here because lines can be a generator concat_lines = '\n'.join(lines) if concat_lines: with open(filename, 'w') as fh: fh.write(concat_lines) fh.write('\n') else: warnings.warn('Empty lines, nothing to write, ignoring.', UserWarning) # noqa: E501 B028
[docs]def structure_to_pdb(atoms): """ Convert table to PDB formatted lines. Parameters ---------- atoms : np.ndarray, shape (N, 16) or similar data structure Where N is the number of atoms and 16 the number of cols. Yields ------ Formatted PDB line according to `libpdb.atom_line_formatter`. """ for line in atoms: values = [func(i) for i, func in zip(line, libpdb.atom_format_funcs)] values[col_name] = libpdb.format_atom_name( values[col_name], values[col_element], ) yield libpdb.atom_line_formatter.format(*values)
col_record = 0 col_serial = 1 col_name = 2 # atom name col_altLoc = 3 col_resName = 4 col_chainID = 5 col_resSeq = 6 col_iCode = 7 col_x = 8 col_y = 9 col_z = 10 col_occ = 11 col_temp = 12 col_segid = 13 col_element = 14 col_model = 15 cols_coords_slice = slice(8, 11) cols_coords = [col_x, col_y, col_z] cols_labels = [col_resSeq, col_resName, col_name] # this servers read_pdb_data_to_array mainly # it is here for performance record_line_headings = { 'both': ('ATOM', 'HETATM'), 'ATOM': 'ATOM', 'HETATM': 'HETATM', } # order matters structure_parsers = [ (is_cif, parse_cif_to_array), (libpdb.is_pdb, parse_pdb_to_array), ] def _APPLY_FILTER(it, func): return filter(func, it)
[docs]def is_backbone(atom, element, minimal=False): """ Whether `atom` is a protein backbone atom or not. Parameters ---------- atom : str The atom name. element : str The element name. minimal : bool If `True` considers only `C` and `N` elements. `False`, considers also `O`. """ e = element.strip() a = atom.strip() elements = { True: ('N', 'C'), False: ('N', 'C', 'O'), } # elements is needed because of atoms in HETATM entries # for example 'CA' is calcium return a in ('N', 'CA', 'C', 'O') and e in elements[minimal]
[docs]def save_structure_by_chains( pdb_data, pdbname, altlocs=('A', '', ' ', '1'), # CIF: 6uwi chain D has altloc 1 chains=None, record_name=('ATOM', 'HETATM'), renumber=True, **kwargs, ): """ Save PDBs/mmCIF in separated chains (PDB format). Logic to parse PDBs from RCSB. """ # local assignments for speed boost :D _DR = pdb_ligand_codes # discarded residues _AE = _allowed_elements _S = Structure _BI = blocked_ids _DI = [delete_insertions] pdbdata = _S(pdb_data) chain_set = pdbdata.chain_set chains = chains or chain_set add_filter = pdbdata.add_filter pdbdata.add_filter_record_name(record_name) add_filter(lambda x: x[col_resName] not in _DR) add_filter(lambda x: x[col_element] in _AE) add_filter(lambda x: x[col_altLoc] in altlocs) for chain in chains: # writes chains always in upper case because chain IDs given by # Dunbrack lab are always in upper case letters chaincode = f'{pdbname}_{chain}' # this operation can't be performed before because # until here there is not way to assure if the chain being # downloaded is actualy in the blocked_ids. # because at the CLI level the user can add only the PDBID # to indicate download all chains, while some may be restricted if chaincode in _BI: f'Ignored code {chaincode} because ' 'is listed in blocked ids.' )) continue # upper and lower case combinations: possible_cases = sample_case(chain) # cases that exist in the structure cases_that_actually_exist = chain_set.intersection(possible_cases) # this trick places `chain` first in the for loop because # it has the highest probability to be the one required cases_that_actually_exist.discard(chain) probe_cases = [chain] + list(cases_that_actually_exist) for chain_case in probe_cases: pdbdata.add_filter_chain(chain_case) fout = f'{chaincode}.pdb' try: pdb_lines = pdbdata.get_PDB(pdb_filters=_DI) except EmptyFilterError as err: err2 = \ EmptyFilterError(f'for chain {pdbname}_{chain_case}') errlog = ( f'{repr(err)}\n' f'{repr(err2)}\n' f'{traceback.format_exc()}\n' 'continuing to new chain\n' ) log.debug(errlog) continue else: if all(line.startswith('HETATM') for line in pdb_lines): log.debug( f'Found only HETATM for {chain_case}, ' 'continuing with next chain.' ) continue yield fout, '\n'.join(pdb_lines) break finally: pdbdata.pop_last_filter() else: log.debug(f'Failed to download {chaincode}')