Source code for idpconfgen.libs.libio

"""Functions and Classes regarding Input/Output."""
import glob
import itertools as it
import json
import os
import pickle
import tarfile
from collections import defaultdict
from functools import partial
from io import BytesIO
from os import SEEK_END
from pprint import pprint

from idpconfgen import Path, log
from idpconfgen.libs import get_false
from idpconfgen.libs.libfunc import is_none
from idpconfgen.libs.libpdb import PDBList
from idpconfgen.logger import S, T

# consider reducing the lengths of the FileIterators as progression
#  along the generation happens

# Dispachers are at the bottom

[docs]def make_folder_or_cwd(folder): """ Make a folder or five CWD. Parameters ---------- folder : str or Path Make the folder. If folder is None return the CWD. Return ------ Path """'setting up working directory')) if is_none(folder): ofolder = Path.cwd().resolve()'Using current working directory: {os.fspath(ofolder)}.'))'Previous data will be overwritten, if file names overlap.')) return ofolder try: ofolder = Path(folder) except (ValueError, TypeError): ofolder = Path.cwd().resolve()'Could not create folder from: {folder}.')) ofolder = Path.cwd()'Using current working directory: {os.fspath(ofolder)}.')) return ofolder try: ofolder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=False) except FileExistsError:'Folder {os.fspath(ofolder.resolve())!r} already exists.'))'Using the existing folder.'))'Previous data will be overwritten, if file names overlap.')) else:'Created folder {os.fspath(ofolder.resolve())!r}.')) return ofolder
[docs]def add_existent_files(storage, source): """ Add files that exist to a list. Given a list of `source` Paths, if Path exist adds it to `storage`. Adds Path instances. """ for path in source: p = Path(path).resolve() if p.is_file(): storage.append(p) else: log.error(S('file not found: {}', str(p)))
[docs]def concatenate_entries(entry_list): """ Concatente entries. Entries can be given in a list of entries or file paths with entry lists. Single entries in the input list are used directly while files are read and their lines added one by one to the concatenated list. Notice: Does not descriminate between single entries and mispelled file paths. Every string that cannot be openned as path is considered an individual entry. Parameters ---------- entry_list : lits List containing strings or file paths Returns ------- list Concatenated strings plus lines in files. """ for entry in entry_list: try: with Path(entry).open('r') as fh: for i in filter(bool, map(str.strip, fh)): yield i except (FileNotFoundError, NotADirectoryError): yield entry
[docs]def extract_from_tar(tar_file, output=None, ext='.pdb'): """ Extract files from tarfile. Parameters ---------- tar_file : str The tarfile to extract. output : str, optional The folder to where extract tar files. Defaults to current working directory. Returns ------- list A list of Path-objects pointing to the extracted files. """ output = output or Path.cwd() tar = if ext: members = [ member for member in tar.getmembers() if ] else: members = tar.getmembers() tar.extractall(path=output, members=members) tar.close() return [Path(output, for i in members]
[docs]def glob_folder(folder, ext): """ List files with extention `ext` in `folder`. Does NOT perform recursive search. Parameters ---------- folder : str The path to the folder to investigate. ext : str The file extention. Can be with or without the dot [.] preffix. Returns ------- list of Path objects SORTED list of matching results. """ ext = f'*{parse_suffix(ext)}' files = glob.glob(str(Path(folder, ext))) return list(map(Path, files))
[docs]def has_suffix(path, ext=None): """ Evaluate file suffix according to `ext` condition. Parameters ---------- path : str of Path The file path. ext : str The file extension. Can be dotted '.' (.csv) or plain (csv). Return ------ bool True Always if `ext` is None. If path suffix equals `ext`. False Otherwise """ return ext is None or Path(path).suffix == parse_suffix(ext)
has_suffix_fasta = partial(has_suffix, ext='.fasta')
[docs]def list_files_recursively(folder, ext=None): """ List files recursively from source folder. Parameters ---------- folder : string or Path The folder from where to start searching. ext : string The file extension to consider. Files without the defined `ext` will be ignored. Defaults to ``None``, all files are considered. Returns ------- unsorted list Of the file paths relative to the source `folder`. """ phassuff = partial(has_suffix, ext=ext) for root, _subdirs, files in os.walk(folder): only_ext = filter(phassuff, files) for file_ in only_ext: yield Path(root, file_).resolve()
[docs]def file_exists(path, ifdir=get_false, doelse=get_false): """ Confirm file exists. Parameters ---------- path: path-object or str Returns ------- bool """ p = Path(path) if p.is_dir(): ifdir() elif p.exists(): return True else: doelse()
[docs]def log_nonexistent(files): """ Log to ERROR files that do not exist. Parameters ---------- files : iterable of Paths """'Logging non-existent files')) _not_exist = it.filterfalse(Path.exists, files) strings = (S('file not found: {}', path) for path in _not_exist) try: log.error('\n'.join(strings)) except TypeError:'all files exist'))'done'))
[docs]def make_destination_folder(dest): """ Make a destination folder. Returns ------- Path-object A path pointing to the folder created. If ``dest`` is ``None`` returns a Path poiting to the CWD. """ try: dest_ = Path(dest) except TypeError: return Path.cwd() else: dest_.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) return dest_
[docs]def paths_from_flist(path): """ Read Paths from file listing paths. Returns ------- Map generator Path representation of the entries in the file. """ with open(path, 'r') as fin: lines = fin.readlines() lines = map(str.strip, lines) valid = filter(bool, lines) no_comments = it.filterfalse(lambda x: x.startswith('#'), valid) return list(map(Path, no_comments))
[docs]def parse_suffix(ext): """ Represent a suffix of a file. Example ------- parse_suffix('.pdf') '.pdf' parse_suffix('pdf') '.pdf' Parameters ---------- ext : str String to extract the suffix from. Returns ------- str File extension with leading period. """ return f'.{ext[ext.find(".") + 1:]}'
[docs]def read_path_bundle(path_bundle, ext=None, listext='.list'): """ Read path bundle. Read paths encoded in strings, folders or files that are list of files. If a string or Path object points to an existing file, register that path. If a string points to a folder, registers all files in that folder that have extension `ext`, recursively. If a string points to a file with extension `listext`, registers all files referred in the `listext` file and which exist in disk. Non-existing files are log as error messages. Parameters ---------- path_bundle : list-like A list containing strings or paths that point to files or folders. ext : string The file extension to consider. If ``None`` considers all files. Defaults to ``None``. listext : string The file extension to consider as a file listing other files. Defaults to ``.flist``. Returns ------- generator A generator that complies with the specifications described """ # defines functions and partials LFR = list_files_recursively CFI = it.chain.from_iterable p_lfr_ext = partial(LFR, ext=ext) p_suff_list = partial(has_suffix, ext=listext) pbundle = map(Path, path_bundle) paths_exists = list(filter(Path.exists, pbundle)) # files that do not exist pbundle2 = map(Path, path_bundle) log_nonexistent(pbundle2) # is dir filter f1 = filter(Path.is_dir, paths_exists) # reads list files f2 = filter(p_suff_list, paths_exists) # files with valid extension def _is_f3(x): return all(( x.is_file(), not has_suffix(x, ext=listext), has_suffix(x, ext=ext), )) f3 = filter(_is_f3, paths_exists) from_folders = CFI(map(p_lfr_ext, f1)) from_lists = CFI(map(paths_from_flist, f2)) return it.chain(from_folders, from_lists, f3)
[docs]def read_dictionary_from_disk(path): """ Read a dictionary from disk. Accepted formats: * pickle * json Returns ------- dict """ suffix = Path(path).suffix the_dict = read_dictionary_from_disk_dispacher[suffix](path) assert isinstance(the_dict, dict) return the_dict
[docs]def read_dict_from_json(path): """Read dict from json.""" with open(path) as fin: return json.load(fin)
[docs]def read_dict_from_pickle(path): """Read dictionary from pickle.""" return pickle.load(open(path, 'rb'))
[docs]def read_dict_from_tar(path): """Read dictionary from .tar file.""" tar = f = tar.extractfile(tar.getmembers()[0]) d = json.loads( return d
[docs]def read_FASTAS_from_file(fpath): """Read FASTA sequence from file.""" fastas = defaultdict(list) key = 1 with open(fpath, 'r') as fout: for line in fout: if line.startswith('>'): key = line.strip() else: seq = line.strip().replace(' ', '') assert ' ' not in seq assert seq.isupper() fastas[key].extend(seq) return fastas
[docs]def read_FASTAS_from_file_to_strings(fpath): """ Read FASTA sequences from file. FASTA is output as string. Note that there should be no blank spaces between different sequences. The final return will be a dictionary where the key value will be ">XYZ" header and the value will be a list of individual residue letters ['X', 'Y', 'Z']. """ fastad = read_FASTAS_from_file(fpath) return {key: ''.join(value) for key, value in fastad.items()}
[docs]def is_valid_fasta_file(path): """Return True if FASTA file is valid.""" is_valid = \ file_exists(path) \ and has_suffix_fasta(path) return is_valid
[docs]def read_text(fpath): """Read text from path.""" return Path(fpath).read_text()
[docs]def read_lines(fpath): """Read lines from path.""" text = read_text(fpath) return text.strip().split(os.linesep)
[docs]def read_PDBID_from_folder(folder): """ Read PDBIDs from folder. Parameters ---------- folder : str The folder to read. Returns ------- :class:`idpconfgen.libs.libpdb.PDBList` """ return PDBList(glob_folder(folder, '*.pdb'))
[docs]def read_PDBID_from_source(source): """ Read PDBIDs from destination. Accepted destinations: * folder * tarfile Returns ------- :class:`idpconfgen.libs.libpdb.PDBList`. """ suffix = Path(source).suffix dispacher = read_PDBID_from_source_dispacher return dispacher[suffix](source)
[docs]def read_PDBID_from_tar(tar_file): """ Read PDBIDs from tarfile. .. note:: Case-specific function, not an abstraction. Parameters ---------- tar_file : :class:`idpconfgen.Path` The tarfile to read. Returns ------- :class:`idpconfgen.libs.libpdb.PDBList` If file is not found returns an empty PDBList. """ try: tar =, 'r:*') pdb_members = \ (name for name in tar.getnames() if name.endswith('.pdb')) p = PDBList(pdb_members) tar.close()'found: {str(tar_file)}')) except FileNotFoundError:'tar_file {tar_file} not found. Returning empty PDBList.')) p = PDBList([]) return p
[docs]def save_dictionary(mydict, output='mydict.pickle'): """ Save dictionary to disk. Accepted formats: * pickle * json Parameters ---------- mydict : dict The dict to be saved. output : str or Path The output file. Format is deduced from file extension. Raises ------ KeyError If extension is not a compatible format. """ try: suffix = Path(output).suffix except TypeError: # pprint(mydict, indent=4, sort_dicts=True) # disabled until 3.8 pprint(mydict, indent=4) # noqa: T203 return dispacher = save_dict_to_disk_dispacher dispacher[suffix](mydict, output, sort_keys=False)
[docs]def save_dict_to_json( mydict, output='mydict.json', indent=True, sort_keys=True, ): """Save dictionary to JSON.""" assert Path(output).suffix == '.json' jsondump = partial(json.dump, indent=indent, sort_keys=sort_keys) with open(output, 'w') as fout: try: jsondump(mydict, fout) except TypeError: # it may come a Manager.dict() # we need to convert it to dict before json it jsondump(dict(mydict), fout)
[docs]def save_dict_to_pickle(mydict, output='mydict.pickle', **kwargs): """Save dictionary to pickle file.""" assert Path(output).suffix == '.pickle' with open(output, 'wb') as handle: pickle.dump(mydict, handle, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
[docs]def save_file_to_tar(tar, fout, data): """ Save content to a file inside a tar. Parameters ---------- tar : openned tar-file instance fout : str The name under which to save the ``data``. data : str or bytes Data to save to `fout` named file inside `tar`. """ sIO = BytesIO() try: sIO.write(data) except TypeError: sIO.write(data.encode()) info = tarfile.TarInfo(name=fout) info.size =, SEEK_END) tar.addfile(tarinfo=info, fileobj=sIO)
[docs]def save_pairs_to_disk(pairs, destination): """ Save pairs to files. Parameters ---------- pairs : list or tuple First indexes are used as file names, second indexes as info to write to files. destination : str or Path-like Destination in the disk where to save the files. Current options are: a folder, a TAR file. """ dispacher = save_pairs_dispacher dest = Path(destination) if destination else Path.cwd() dispacher[dest.suffix](pairs, dest)
[docs]def save_pairs_to_tar(pairs, destination): """ Save pairs to files inside a TAR file. Where each pair (tuple or list of length 2) is composed of: (file name, data content) Parameters ---------- pairs : list or tuple The pairs of information to save to the disk. Index 0 is the file name, and index 1 is the data content. destination: str or Path The TAR file where to save the files. It is NOT the file name. If exists appends, if not creates. """ modes = {True: 'a:', False: 'w'} mode = modes[Path(destination).exists()] with, mode=mode) as tar: for fout, data in pairs: save_file_to_tar(tar, fout, data)
[docs]def save_pairs_to_files(pairs, destination=None): """ Save pairs to files. Where each pair (tuple or list of length 2) is composed of: (file name, data content) Parameters ---------- pairs : list or tuple The pairs of information to save to the disk. Index 0 is the file name, and index 1 is the data content. destination: str or Path, optional The folder where to save the files. It is NOT the file name. Defauls to the CWD. """ dest = make_destination_folder(destination) for k, v in pairs: try: Path(dest, k).write_text(v) except TypeError: Path(dest, k).write_bytes(v)
[docs]class FileReaderIterator: """ Dispaches file read iteractor. Here I created a class interface instead of a function for convinience. """ def __new__(cls, origin, **kwargs): """Construct a file reader iterator.""" options = { isinstance(origin, str) and origin.endswith('.tar'): TarFileIterator, isinstance(origin, list): FileIterator, } return options[True](origin, **kwargs)
[docs]class FileIteratorBase: """File iterator base class.""" def __bool__(self): return bool(self._len) def __getitem__(self, val): start, stop, step = val.indices(self._len) # self is a generator, makes no sense to apply `step` for _ in range(stop - start): # I had problems with the exhaustion of this generator # raising RuntimeError -> this solved # try: yield next(self) except StopIteration: return def __iter__(self): return self def __len__(self): return self._len
[docs]class FileIterator(FileIteratorBase): """Iterate over files.""" def __init__(self, origin, ext='.pdb'): """ Instantiate. Parameters ---------- origin : str or list Paths to the files to interate over. ext : str The extention to consider in case list comes from listdir. Defaults to `.pdb`. """ self.members = list(read_path_bundle(origin, ext=ext)) self.imembers = iter(self.members) self._len = len(self.members) self.names = [p.stem for p in self.members] def __next__(self): next_file = next(self.imembers) fin = open(next_file, 'rb') txt = fin.close() return next_file, txt
[docs]class TarFileIterator(FileIteratorBase): """Iterate over files in tarfiule.""" def __init__(self, origin, ext='.pdb'): """ Instantiate. Parameters ---------- origin : str The path to the tar file. ext : str The extention of the files to consider. Defaults to `.pdb`. """ self.origin = self._members = self.origin.getmembers() self._len = len(self._members) self.members = (m for m in self._members if self.names = \ [Path( for m in self._members if] def __next__(self): try: member = next(self.members) except StopIteration: self.origin.close() raise f = self.origin.extractfile(member) txt = f.close() return Path(, txt
# dispachers read_PDBID_from_source_dispacher = { '': read_PDBID_from_folder, '.tar': read_PDBID_from_tar, } read_dictionary_from_disk_dispacher = { # '.pickle': read_dict_from_pickle, '.json': read_dict_from_json, '.tar': read_dict_from_tar, } save_pairs_dispacher = { '': save_pairs_to_files, '.tar': save_pairs_to_tar, } save_dict_to_disk_dispacher = { '.pickle': save_dict_to_pickle, '.json': save_dict_to_json, }