Source code for idpconfgen.components.residue_tolerance

"""Implement residue replacement possibilities."""
import argparse

from idpconfgen.libs import libcli
from idpconfgen.libs.libparse import make_list_if_not

residue_tolerance_cli_help = \
"""Map residue replacements.

Provide a dictionary mapping which residue exchange are allowed.
-urestol '{"A": "AG"}'

will consider Ala or Glycines when searching the database. When looking
for "GHLAT" both "GHLAT" and "GHLGT" will be considered valid matches.
*Note*: use single quotes to deliniate the argument and double quotes to deliniate
the strings, exactly as in the example."""  # noqa: E122, E501

[docs]def add_res_tolerance_groups(ap): """Add parameters related to residue tolerance.""" parser = ap.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=False) parser.add_argument( '-urestol', '--user-residue-tolerance', dest='residue_tolerance', help=residue_tolerance_cli_help, default=None, action=libcli.ReadDictionary, ) parser.add_argument( '-edss50', '--edss50-residue-tolerance', dest='residue_tolerance', help=( 'Uses residue tolerance matrix EDSS50. ' 'Provide the indexes of the table columns to add up tolerances. ' 'Example: -edss50 5 3 2' ), nargs='+', default=None, type=int, action=EDSS50_indexes, choices=(5, 3, 2, 1, 0), )
# Other interesting options for IDPs idp1 = { "Y": "YF", "F": "FY", "K": "KR", "R": "RK", "V": "VILA", "A": "AVIL", "I": "ILVA", "L": "LVIA", "Q": "QNST", "T": "TS", "S": "ST", } _EDSSMat50_idx = { 5: 0, 3: 1, 2: 2, 1: 3, 0: 4, } EDSSMat50_subs = { # 5 3 2 1 0 'A': ['', '', '', 'TV', 'SG' ], # noqa: E241, E121, E202 'C': ['', 'Y', 'W', 'F', 'SVH' ], # noqa: E241, E121, E202 'D': ['', '', 'E', '', '' ], # noqa: E241, E121, E202 'E': ['', '', 'D', '', '' ], # noqa: E241, E121, E202 'F': ['Y', '', 'WL', 'MIC', 'VH' ], # noqa: E241, E121, E202 'G': ['', '', '', '', 'A' ], # noqa: E241, E121, E202 'H': ['', '', 'YQ', 'N', 'FRC' ], # noqa: E241, E121, E202 'I': ['', 'VM', 'L', 'F', 'T' ], # noqa: E241, E121, E202 'K': ['', '', 'R', '', 'Q' ], # noqa: E241, E121, E202 'M': ['', 'I', 'VL', 'F', 'T' ], # noqa: E241, E121, E202 'N': ['', '', '', 'H', 'STD' ], # noqa: E241, E121, E202 'P': ['', '', '', '', '' ], # noqa: E241, E121, E202 'Q': ['', '', 'H', '', 'KR' ], # noqa: E241, E121, E202 'R': ['', '', 'K', '', 'HQW' ], # noqa: E241, E121, E202 'S': ['', '', '', '', 'TCNA' ], # noqa: E241, E121, E202 'T': ['', '', '', 'A', 'VSMIN' ], # noqa: E241, E121, E202 'W': ['', '', 'YFC', '', 'R' ], # noqa: E241, E121, E202 'Y': ['F', '', 'C', '', 'WH' ], # noqa: E241, E121, E202 } """EDSSMat50 tolerance matrix."""
[docs]def make_EDSSMat50_subs(idx=(5, 3, 2, 1, 0)): """Make EDSSMat50 table column indexes.""" idxs = make_list_if_not(idx) subsd = {} for k, v in EDSSMat50_subs.items(): subsd[k] = k + ''.join(v[_EDSSMat50_idx[i]] for i in idxs) return subsd
[docs]class EDSS50_indexes(argparse.Action): """Convert the number indexes to EDSS50 table.""" def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): """Hello.""" subs = make_EDSSMat50_subs(values) setattr(namespace, self.dest, subs)